The River Tiger Podcast from Dynamics Coaching

Part 2: What is a coaching philosophy and why do we need one? A conversation with Dr Alex Lascu, Dr Carl Woods, Craig Morris and David Farrokh.

Marianne Davies Season 1 Episode 28

Themes covered in this episode include:
How our personal philosophies can be constrained by external metrics such as what we judged on (medals for example).
Staying open to being surprised by what others can do.
Replacing expectations and 'supposed to' with attentive responsiveness.
Challenging our assumptions.
Finding spaces to have time and the environment to explore thinking.
How we might find out what others think our philosophy is.

A guide to ontology, epistemology, and philosophical perspectives for interdisciplinary researchers. This is an excellent short article to explore philosophy in research a little deeper.

My fabulous guests on parts 1 and 2 are:

Dr Alex Lascu is a skill acquisition specialist by trade and currently lectures at the University of Canberra. Her passion for talent development and community sport is contagious, and she enjoys existing in the gap between research and practice in the hopes of bringing these two worlds together.
Find Alex on Twitter at @skillacqlascu 

At her website
Or LinkedIn

Dr Carl Woods is a Senior Research Fellow within the Institute for Health and Sport at Victoria University. His research interests reside at the intersection of ecological psychology, social anthropology, and sport science, where he explores concepts of knowing, skill, learning and education. He has an extensive background in both academia and the industry, having held various positions within multiple Australian Universities and the Australian Football League.

Contacting Carl -
Carl is on Twitter - @CarlWoods25

Here are a few of Carl's recent papers -
Thinking through making and doing: sports science as an art of inquiry.

Craig Morris is an Olympic Canoe Slalom Coach and High Performance Coach consultant with over 17 years of experience in performance coaching.

Personal coach to 1 individual senior Olympic, World and European podiums and over 30 World Cup podiums, across multiple athletes and 4 Olympic disciplines, Craig is regarded as one of the World’s leading Canoe Slalom coaches and skill acquisition specialists.

More recently Craig has become a Director and Performance Coach for Cultured Coaching Ltd, offering high performance bespoke development and executive coaching and mentoring to individuals and teams across a myriad of domains.

Wherever Craig goes he aims to be innovative in his coaching practice and is increasingly engaged worldwide in fields including leadership, coach development, skill acquisition, mentoring and ecological approaches to performance coaching. 

Craig and Carls paper 'On the Wisdom of Not Knowing: reflections of an Olympic Canoe Slalom coach 

Craig can be contacted via 
email at

 On Twitter @MorrisCraig_

 LinkedIn  Craig Morris

David Farrokh is a PhD candidate at Sheffield Hallam University (with Prof Keith Davids, Dr Joe Stone, and Dr James Rumbold) researching flow from an ecological dynamics perspective.

Find David on FaceBook and Twitter @bigpicsoccer